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Tuesday, February 05, 2008

This cat it's stupid and the picture is the proof!
Stupid CatFunny Stupid Cat picture
Little red cat - Beds for cats

"Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. Cats have never forgotten this."
Written at 12:24 PM by AdresaK.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
VARY stupid cay

Anonymous Anonymous said...
mindfreakfan_01 says cats can b stupid

Blogger LA Nickers said...
Watch the birdie!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
is this a real picture?
or did you place the cat in
the cage? its funny none the
less! haha

Blogger Unknown said...
this picture is funnny!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
this cat looks like my cat, but unlucky!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I'd like to get a cage like that for my boyfriend and I'll sit on top.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
i think the bird has just owned the cat

Blogger Gaga Fan! said...
OMG i luv cats . . . .let him OUT!

Anonymous missaursheeter said...
um, it's a staged event.. folks, come on already, if the cat was stupid they wouldn't be a model. i'm sure they get paid in many fancy birds, fancy feasts and morsels of delight..

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Tweety says : "I thaught I saw a pussy cat!"

Anonymous Anonymous said...
wow how stupit and unconvencional is that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Tweety bird outbidded celvester again =O

I did...I did...i did caught the pussy cat!