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Saturday, May 10, 2008
Funny cat wash
"I don't want to make a bath! Please... please
don't make me to wash my beautiful silky fur"
Cat tree - Jumping Dog
Written at 2:43 AM by AdresaK.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Leave the cat alone!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
lol that looks like my cat when i try and give him a bath onlky he pants

Anonymous Anonymous said...
my cat is not like that he likes to always take a bath before he go to sleep and visit her friends.diste

Blogger johndee14 said...
i did the same thing to my cat but he likes to claw when i do it

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Omg now this is funny!

Anonymous cute cats said...
'I'm the cutest cat in the hole world!'

Daca nu vrea :))