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Friday, March 31, 2006
Angry kittyPLS! Let me out!
Written at 1:25 AM by Anonymous.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
awww poor kitty let it out!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
that cat is not angry it is sad and poorly treated if u think that cat should be released say/xxcats should be freexx
or if your cruel say/grrr cats should be caged grrr
its your decision but for one thing i belive that cat should be free

Anonymous Anonymous said...
the poster doesn't know "angry" from "sad"

this i sa sad looking cat. and not funny at all.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
itz a sad kitty pplz. it no funny. u ppl are cruel!!! set it free!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
The cruelty of humanity has no bounds. On judgement, they will be caged indefinitely.