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Monday, March 20, 2006
Big Fat Ugly Cat
Written at 6:44 AM by Anonymous.
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Wow! This cat needs to go to the morbid obese clinic now. How can you let your cat get so fat? 

Posted by iris

Anonymous Anonymous said...
ok that has got to be the biggest cat ive ever seen, and i seen alot of fat cats

Posted by buri

Anonymous Anonymous said...
That cat is to big! It is not healthy. How could someone be so cruel? 

Posted by Kaylynn

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I agree with Kaylynn. I mean what is wrong with you people? You are baiscly KILLING that cat! There sould be a law aginst that! I mean my cat is 5.9 years old and her weight is 4 pounds. You people are SICK!!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
my cat is almost that big......he's 25 pounds!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
and i agree with kaylynne that is disgusting stop feeding it it will explode

Anonymous Anonymous said...
and i agree with kaylynne that is disgusting stop feeding it it will explode

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hey, I think your cat is kick ass. I mean, people complain about it being overweight, but i bet the majority of those people either are overweight themselves or have fat kids.
Quick question though, how does your cat go to the bathroom? Like, do you have to help it roll outside or something, eh?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Could be ... lol

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I like your cat it is huge!!!!!
--------i like it this---------- much!!:):D:D:D:D

Anonymous Anonymous said...
animal abuse? yes i think so.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
poor cat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
He looks uglyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
it sick how fat that cat is it should loose weight immediatly its proper animal cruelty ive seen thinner dogs!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
As a veterinary technician, it makes me sad to see a cat in that state. However losing that weight would be easier said than done. Should the owners restrict the diet to much too soon, the cat would die of hepatic lipidosis. It would take many visits to the vet and a lot of client education to resolve the issue, and I think the owners should consider maybe starting sooner than later.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Poor kitty kat!!! I mean...I really like FAT CATS!!!...but, not to the point to where it really is unhealthy!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Thats BAD to do that to ur cat! ITS CRUEL!!!!!!IT COULD DIE!!!!!!!!DO NOT DO THAT TO CATS OR ANY OTHER ANIMAL!!!!Dont be cruel ton ur animals

Anonymous Anonymous said...
why would you let your cat get that fat it is dangerous he could die do not be cruel

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Thats gotta be funniest and fattest cat I have ever seen. ROFL.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Funny or cruel, has anyone considered the possibility that the animal may have a glandular problem that causes the morbid obesity? I know it exists in humans, but how about cats? It's just a thought I had while reading the outraged comments. The vet tech poster would know far better than I.

Blue Sphinx

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I think every cat id different and we all dont know why the cat is fat.
We had a cat that ate all day long and never got that fat soooo maybe the cat does have some sort of disorder....who know:)

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Im only 13, But i think i can take care of cats better then u. thats realy mean. I dont like that at all. When i first saw your cat i almost cried because i dont want it to passaway. POOR CAT!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
The cats Should Have Stopped Its Self Dumbass's

Anonymous Anonymous said...
hey im 14 also and my grandpa has a fat cat and it could die of a heart attack and if it keeps getting fat the fat will block the breathing passage way!!
ps ur cat could die from wat i just said.
ps i bet ur cat is a great pillow!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Wow!! pore Cat!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
... and I thought my cat was a fatty.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Stop being so serious.If that person likes their cat that way let 'em be.
THAT CAT IS FREAKIN' FREAKISHLY LARGE.WHAT YOU BE FEEDIN' HIM,2 WATERMELONS EVERY 10 MINUTES?!!He is SOO big.It reminds me of a huge pillow the size of 3 pc's.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
If you like your cat, you will not make it suffer.
If it is really ill, that's something different... as you say.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hey! This is a little something for you people who say that that's abuse.. I actually have an obese cat.. She was the offspring my childhood friends cat and ever since she was born she would eat just about annything..
These days its not as bad anymore, because we've gotten her used to only normal cat food (i think :D). But even though we feed her only once every day and make her go for a little jog (AT LEAST) in the evening, She's still not losing almost any weight.. Actually she gains some every winter..
And you can believe me that it breaks my heart when I hear her cries for food.. When I have to scare her into running even a few meters.. So before you say that it's abuse, PLEASE even CONSIDER the possibility that there might not be so much that thay can do...?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
i now this guy that has pet racoons that weigh like 40 lbs. they didn't look as fat as that cat

Anonymous Anonymous said...
he is not ugly but so fat

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I don't know what you did to that poor cat, but what ever it is, you should quit.
I have had plenty of cats and none ever got anywhere close to that big! That is horrible. And for all of you who say that it is ok. Or that if the person wants it they should be allowed to have them like that, then you are wrong. How would you like it if your parents decided they wanted you fat, even though they knew you could die. You wouldn't like it would you? So all of you who think that cat looks gret can kiss my butt!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
You should be charged for abuse of for this cat. At what point would you consider getting help to downsize your pet!!! You are supposed to be responsible to take care of your pet. What do you do to your kids!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Some people might think that having a cat this fat is funny or maybe cute. It's not, it's cruel. I feel so sorry for how heavy he/she must feel. I'm sure the owners like to show him off, like showing his picture in this site. Abuse not only consists on beating an animal, remember that neglecting an animal is also abuse and these people have neglected this cat by allowing to get this fat either due to an illness or just by overfeeding him. They should be charge with cruelty and abuse. This is a true case of neglect an abuse. My heart goes to that poor kitty.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
put that cat on a diet! ur killing it! that is horrible! ur crazy! the shelter needs to take it from u! ur killing it!

Blogger mary said...
derender NO BAD WORDS please ;)

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Yeah...I think he needs a diet...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
It's a cat, so what? Feed it more, starve it, shoot it. Who cares? It's a cat.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
It is cruel to let a cat or anything get like that, take it to the vet. And in reply to a comment about its a cat - well, I would care about any human or animal being allowed to get in that state. You shouldnt be able to turn off your feelings because its an animal and turn them back on again for a human, if you care then you care about all lives.