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Tuesday, April 18, 2006
kung fu Cathit me!
Written at 10:51 AM by Anonymous.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
kungfu power!!!!!!!!!! 

Posted by idid'tgetit

Anonymous Anonymous said...
hahahaaa i couldn't stop laughing!! so who's throwing the poor kittens through the air??? hahahahah!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Lol funny, ya know, you could make a movie out of these pics!
Well, it's a good pic, funny too!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
And all the kitties were...KUNG FU FIGHTING!!! come on, don't tell me you don't know that really annoying kung fu fighting song...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
that pic is a montage coz i've seen another pic with that cat in the same position. hmmmm

Anonymous Anonymous said...
bring it on suker!!! ,lol thts funni!!