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Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Funny Small CatI think this is a very small cat :)
Written at 12:44 AM by Anonymous.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
is that cat real?? 

Posted by Kaylin

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Yes, Kaylin, it is real. It just looks very small because the guy holding it is a giant. HTH. 

Posted by Matthew Miller

Anonymous Anonymous said...
this is the cuties cat in the world was it just born i wish i had a baby kitten like that and how old is it  

Posted by kaitlyn

Anonymous Anonymous said...
that is the most cutest cat in the hole world its a little angel my friend geneth has a cat like that bla bla bla sorry i am talking so much 

Posted by imogen

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I want to buy much? 

Posted by Karen

Anonymous Anonymous said...
this cat is the most smallest cat i have ever seen. this cat is the most cutest lil thing i have ever lyd eyes on.ahhhh i love im. 

Posted by CAT

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I really can't buy this picture. I've seen dozens of kittens born in my days. This one looks about 3-5 weeks old. It's not possible that it's that size.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Some peoples' gullibility impresses me. I've seen this photo many times before, in many places. It is an acknowledged photoshop job. A very well done one, too.

Still, I fall in love with it every time I've seen it. Soooo cute! I wish I had one of my very own. Love the kitty! Adore the kitty! Aaawwwhhh! Insert high-pitched kitty-appreciation noises here!

Blue Sphinx

Blogger Pasihah said...
yes, its a photoshop wonder, but still makes me go awwwwww....

Anonymous Anonymous said...
is that been anitated to make it dat small or is dat the smallest cat in da wrld

Anonymous Anonymous said...
that is too cute!